Birthday countdown

Designed & built a website that helps to count down the birthday of your loved ones as a trial project. It takes the dates and just runs a countdown and when the D-day is reached, the site runs some celebratory confetti and you can customize the words to suit your special one.I hosted the project on githu pages. Here is the link

Ecommerce shop

I implemented and designed an ecommerce shop and used MongoDB as my database. I implemented it from scratch intergrating a sign up and log in page thastores user's data and encrypts their password using bcryptjs. I also used the MVC architecture and vue.js in this project I then added a catlogue that lets users also sell their products by adding whatever products they want. Here is the link

Weather App

I created a weather app that lets you input the name of the city or town you are in and it gives you the weather updates as requested. I implemented an API from Weather API Weather API has an up to date weather forecast collection that I used to map fetch the weather data and display it on this website.